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Based on my personal observation, research, experience and education in the food industry and life. I’ve observed that; nothing outside a human being especially food can make a human body diseased. Rather it is not what lays outside that makes humans diseased, but what is absorbed within a human heart, for what is outside doesn’t go into his heart but into his stomach and then out of his body.All types of food sourced outside the body, we choose to eat is clean, tasty and gracefully fills our tummy when we are hungry. However the human body works well most of the time, most days we see people healthy and energetic going to work and school. But when the body is diseased it is not working well, it breaks down in the way it normally works. Why?

The issue is from within out of a human being heart comes negative diseases energy. How?

Within a human being (man) lays naturally seven essential nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, fiber, minerals, proteins, vitamins, and water) the human body requires daily to function well. The challenge is how do you keep the natural rhythmic flow and balance of those seven natural chemical compounds within the body and guard against the modern world urban lifestyles ideas that suggest that a human being can exist without the natural environment (biology can exist without nature). The point is human and food are naturally linked and no man created food, not even advancement in technology and lifestyles changes of the present time can change that fact.The purpose of food is to fuel the body with inspiration energy to fulfill your “Aspirations” as a human being, and to guard against negative diseases energy that wants to invade your body and corrupt your heart desires (Aspirations) within. The negative diseased energy comes when we take out the natural environment out and start filling up our body with food made from industrial additive ingredients not real food that we consume in these present times which is extremely profitable to Ultra Processed Foods Manufactures. 

The motive is to disturb or corrupt the natural fuel of the body (seven chemical compounds) within, with industrial ingredients that appear as food but not real food and to breakdown the natural way the body works, by filling it up with unnatural poor nutrient chemical ingredients that disturb and imbalance over time the natural chemical compounds class of  nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, fiber, minerals, proteins, vitamins, and water) within that guard the heart from being invaded by negative diseases energy, but the heart gets weakened overtime by the invasion of negative energy that causes it to intensely desire unnatural imbalanced chemical compounds and this stringers detachment of the natural order of chemicals within the heart and body; and fills it up with unnatural compounds that are perpetuated by the suggestion of advertising, technology and new urban lifestyles that promise convenience, taste and time saving industrial chemical ingredient food that compromise human well-being and health by making the body and heart easily susceptible to lifestyle diet related diseases including mental illnesses like depression, because the natural chemical compounds within have been corrupted.

Also the present era socio-economic situation that perpetuate the over reliance on food purchases not own food production which lead to stress and depression because most people in SA urban township (low and middle income) have limited financial resources or means to purchase real food and they can’t access nutritious food, they end up eating poor nutrient industrial foods that create the inter-generational cycle of malnutrition, perpetuated by undernourished girls becoming undernourished mothers at risk of giving birth to infants with low birth-weights. How? By scaling-up Outin Nutrition intervention strategy


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